(3)外國人,以其本國法令未限制中華民國國民申請提供其政府資訊者為限。 另大陸地區人民、香港及澳門居民,因不符政府資訊公開法第9條規定要件,不得申請應用機關檔案。
應先填具檔案應用申請書,經本所審理後 ,民眾依審核結果持通知書方得至本所應用檔案。
5. 檔案應用之准駁依據為何?
本所檔案應用之准駁依據檔案法第18 條、政府資訊公開法第
18 條、行政程序法第46 條及其他法令之規定辦理。
請詳檔案管理局 檔案閱覽抄錄複製收費標準(另開新視窗)
申請人於約定日至各業務單位,出示准駁通知書及身分證明文件予業務承辦單位人員,並完成登記程序後,業務單位人員始將備妥之檔案提供應用 。
服務時間:上班日上午9 時起至11 時30 分止,下午2 時起至4時30 分止,國定及例假日不開放。
1.Who is eligible for archives access?
(1) Nationals of the Republic of China who have registered their permanent residence in the Republic of China and the legal persons or groups that are established by any of these nationals.
(2) Nationals holding a passport of the Republic of China though residing overseas.
(3) Foreigners whose origin country’s laws or regulations do not restrict nationals of the Republic of China to apply for the governmental information of that country. Due to nonconformance with the requirements set in Article 9 of The Freedom of Government Information Law, people of the Mainland China and the residents of Hong Kong and Macau must not apply for archives access of governmental agencies.
(Sources: FAQs on the website of the National Archives Administration, reference to Letters No. Fa-lyu 10403509360 dated July 29, 2015 and No. Fa-lyu 0970009804 dated May 19, 2008 of the Ministry of Justice)
2. What is the procedure for the public to apply for access to archives from the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance?
First of all, citizens should submit an access application form to the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance. Afterward, the citizen will receive a letter of approval to access the records.
3.Where can I search for the archives catalogs?
We suggest that you should search for the archives catalogs on the website of the Navigating Electronic Agencies' Records of the National Archives Administration, National Development Council.
4. How long does it take to review an application for archives access ?
The respective unit of the MOFTI shall inform the applicant whether the application is approved or denied in writing sent via post mail or by email within 30 days of its receipt of the application.
The respective unit shall also notify the applicant to rectify the application within seven days if the application is found not in conformance with the provided procedures, lack of information, or without complete elements required.
5. What are the regulations regarding approve or reject of public access to archives?
According to Article 18 of the Archives Act, Article 18 of the Freedom of Government Information Law, Article 46 of the Administrative Procedure Act.
6.Are there any fees for viewing, hand-copying, or duplicating the archives?
Viewing, hand-copying, or duplicating the archives is subject to the “Fee Standards for Viewing, Hand-copying or Duplication of Archives” of the National Archives Administration, National Development Council as the attached electronic files.
7.What documents should applicants prepare before they enter the records reading room?
The applicant should bring the Notice Letter, the Archives Access Reviewing Table, and an eligible ID to the appointed premises to have the archives access after finishing registration.
8.Are the archives applied for access fully available?
An approved application for archives access, in principle, only implies access to duplicates. Based on the principle of separation, if a part of the archives shall be restricted from public access or provision, that part shall be removed from the access, while access to other parts of the archives shall be provided.
9.What behaviors are forbidden during archive viewing, copying or duplicating?
1. Adding annotations, altering, changing, removing, marking or damaging the content ofthe archives;
2. Unpicking the bound archives;
3. Destroying or altering the content of the archives by oSher methods.
10.When are the application hours for archive viewing, copying or duplication?
Service Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 ~ 11:30 & 14:00 ~ 16:30
Location: 2F Records Reading Room, No. 3, Ln. 142, Sec. 6, Roosevelt Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan R.O.C.