The two-week 2023 International Taxation Academy, held by the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance, was completed successfully. The closing ceremony was held on the morning of September 1st. The Minister of Finance, Chuang Tsui-Yun, awarded certificates of completion to the participants in the program and gave remarks.
The minister first congratulated all the participants on their successful graduation. She said that due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was a precious opportunity to invite foreign lecturers and officials to Taiwan again after three years to gather together with tax officials of our country to learn new knowledge.
This year, the courses focused on two themes: (1) “Economic and Fiscal Challenges in the Post-Pandemic Era”, and (2) “Transfer Pricing: Now and a Look into the Global Future.” These courses were presented respectively by Prof. Edward Wei-te Hsieh, Professor Emeritus of Economics at California State University, Los Angeles and Ms. Kate Kerrigan, a tax lawyer at IRS LBI Counsel and currently at Associate Chief Counsel International. The participants included nine foreign taxation officials from Belize, Georgia, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Korea, Republic of Palau, Republic of Paraguay, and the Kingdom of Thailand, invited with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. as well as 48 taxation and customs officials from the Ministry of Finance and subordinate agencies, Taiwan. Participants said that they felt that they gained a lot from the course content through solid theoretical and case studies that supported each other and exchanged experiences.
Minister Chuang also expressed that the Ministry of Finance is very supportive of international training. This training can cultivate international fiscal talents and achieve the purpose of international exchange. It is also a concrete contribution of our country to giving back to the international community. In addition to professional learning, the courses also arrange visits and activities. The schedule will help foreign participants understand the culture and life in Taiwan. She believe they will always remember their wonderful time here.
The distinguished guests participating in the training closing ceremony included Steven Tai, Minister on Home Assignment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador of Belize, the Ambassador of the Republic of Palau and his wife, the Charge d' Affaires a.l of the Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay, and the Deputy Executive Director of the Thai Trade and Economic Office. The Deputy Directors of the Department of International Fiscal Affairs and the Taxation Administration also attended. The ceremony was simple and warm.
Since the International Tax Academy was launched in 1984, 279 foreign fiscal officials from 63 countries and 1,368 domestic tax officials have participated in it so far. This Academy has improved the professional and English skills of Taiwan’s international tax officials, provided tax officials from friendly countries with opportunities for mutual discussion and experience exchange, and assisted in the expansion of tax diplomacy with fruitful results.
Contact Information: Chang Wan-Ju, Training Institute, MInistry of Finance
Tel: 02-8663-2399#205