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Organization and Function


The MOFTI is directly under the Ministry of Finance. The Statute Governing the Organization of the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance stipulates that the Director General is responsible for coordinating the various functions of the MOFTI, the Deputy Director General is in charge of implementing all directives, and a Senior Secretary, a Senior Executive officer , an Accounting officer, a Personnel officer and three Divisions.

Article 2 of The Statute Governing the Organization of the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance prescribes the functions of the MOFTI including the development and implementation of training plans for internal revenue officers, customs officers, national property management officers, as well as other government employees dealing with public finance and international financial affairs and the designation of training personnel of related agencies. An organizational chart of the MOFTI is shown below.

MOFTI Organization Chart


  1. Planning and conducting training programs for financial officials from governmental agencies.
  2. Planning and conducting training programs for taxation officials.
  3. Planning and conducting training programs for customs officials.
  4. Planning and conducting training programs for administering officials of national property.
  5. Planning and conducting training programs with international organization linkage.
  6. Planning and conducting training programs for staff from relevant governmental agencies.
  7. Handling other affairs related to training for public financial personnel.