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2023 International Tax Practice Seminar to be Held on February 21st at MOFTI

To enhance tax officials’ understanding about the wave of recent international taxation reforms, the Training Institute, Ministry of Finance (MOFTI) will hold the “2023 International Tax Practice Seminaras a four-day course from February 21st to 24th.


MOFTI stated that it holds an international tax practice seminar and invites distinguished foreign experts to share the latest tax developments every year. However, in the past few years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been hard to invite foreign scholars and experts to Taiwan in person. This year, due to the significant slowdown of the global COVID-19 pandemic, foreign experts and scholars have been invited to come to Taiwan to give lectures. For example, MOFTI invited Professor Hans van den Hurk of International Tax Law from Maastricht University in the Netherlands; Jacob Mook, head of tax, Grant Thornton Netherlands; and Christina Cheng, head of the Asian desk, Grant Thornton Netherlands to give lectures in English on the topic of the latest developments in international tax. This seminar covers case studies of the Tax Treaty Abuse, the pillar two model rules of OECD, Off-shore indirect transfers, CFC rules, and court cases.


MOFTI expressed that 25 participating tax officials will come from different affiliates of the MOF, including the Department of International Fiscal Affairs, the Taxation Administration, and the National Taxation Bureaus. Furthermore, Professor van den Hurk has especially designed case discussions in this seminar to motivate and deepen tax officials’ expertise and professional skills from an international perspective. The workshop is expected to benefit tax officials and further enable our policies to keep pace with world trends.

(Huang Sheng-Fang, 886-2-86632399 ext. 220)